Call for Tutorials

The call for tutorial proposals is closed.

The 22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'14) tutorial program will highlight tutorials on a variety of requirements-related topics of interest to industry, academic, and government to help attendees increase their knowledge, skills, and awareness of established and emerging requirements engineering practices. Tutorial attendees can expect to leave a tutorial with new ideas and skills applicable to their profession or research area.

We invite you to submit proposals for full day (7-hour) or half-day (3.5-hour) tutorials. In addition to the topics listed below, we welcome proposals on any topic in requirements engineering and business requirements analysis.

Submission Instructions

Proposers should send an e-mail to both RE'14 Tutorial Co-Chairs, Erik Bjernulf and Nan Niu, no later than Monday, February 17, 2014, to declare their intent to submit a proposal. Final submissions should then be e-mailed to both co-chairs no later than the submission deadline of Monday, March 03, 2014.

Tutorial proposals (length up to 1500 words) should include the following information:

  • Title and abstract - If the proposal is accepted, these items will appear in advertisements and on the conference website
  • Intended audience
  • Name and biographical sketch for each presenter
  • Length: full-day or half-day
  • Outline of topics
  • Number and type of interactive activities for tutorial attendees
  • For prior offerings of this tutorial, state the locale, date, and number of attendees
  • Motivation for why this topic is relevant to the main conference
  • Plans for promoting the tutorial

We strongly encourage each proposal to include sample presentation materials, but the supplemental materials must not exceed an additional 5 pages.

Sample Topics of Interest

  • Requirements elicitation, analysis, documentation, verification, and validation
  • Requirements management, traceability, viewpoints, prioritization, and negotiation
  • Evolution of requirements over time and across product families
  • Requirements specification languages, methods, processes, and tools
  • Modeling and analysis of business processes, systems goals, and domains of interest
  • Prototyping, simulation, visualization, and animation of requirements
  • Relating requirements to business goals, architecture, design, implementation, and testing
  • Social, cultural, global, personal, and cognitive factors
  • Domain-specific problems, experiences, and solutions
  • Managing requirements-related complexity (e.g., problem complexity, solution complexity, organizational complexity, etc.)
  • Requirements engineering in agile development processes, in service-oriented environments, and in cloud computing contexts
  • Software product management (including topics such as requirements valuation, road-mapping, release planning, product life-cycle management as it pertains to requirements)

Key Dates

Notice of Intent to Submit Monday, February 17, 2014
Proposal Submission Monday, March 03, 2014
Proposal Notification Monday, March 31, 2014
Tutorials August 25-26, 2014

All deadlines are 23:59 Baker Island Time.

Tutorial Co-Chairs

For more information, please contact the RE'14 Tutorial Co-Chairs: