Something to share about RE'14?
- Follow us on Twitter or post a comment containing @ieee_re
- Leave a comment on Facebook
- Leave a comment on Google+
- or contact the Social Media Chair (Martin Mahaux)
For inquiries about specific RE'14 contributions, please contact the corresponding chairs directly:
- Research Papers (Robyn Lutz)
- Industry Papers (Sarah C. Gregory and Marjo Kauppinen)
- Workshops (Travis Breaux and Eric Knauss)
- Tutorials (Erik Bjernulf and Nan Niu)
- Posters & Demos (Jennifer Horkoff and Richard Berntsson Svensson)
- Doctoral Symposium (Mats Heimdahl and Camille Salinesi)
- Student Volunteers (Krzysztof Wnuk)
- RE Interactive (Mikael Svahnberg and Michael Unterkalmsteiner)
For inquiries about industry collaboration, please contact:
- Industrial Coordination Chair (Robert Feldt)
- Industry Publicity Chair Sweden (Stefan Eekenulv)
For inquiries about Sweden, Karlskrona or RE'14 registration, please contact:
- Organizing Chair (Jürgen Börstler)
For inquiries about becoming a RE'14 donor / sponsor, please contact:
- General Chair (Tony Gorschek)
For inquiries about RE'14 publicity, please contact:
- Coordinating Publicity Chair (Gunter Mussbacher)
To report any issues with this website, please contact:
- Web Chair (Michael Unterkalmsteiner)
For all other inquiries, please contact either:
- General Chair (Tony Gorschek) or
- Program Chair (Robyn Lutz)
We will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.