Call for Panels

The call for Panels and Debates is now closed. Further information on the event is provided here.

The 22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'14) seeks proposals for panels that focus on requirements engineering topics of concern to requirements engineering research and practice. Preference will be given to panels that consist of members who have a significant presence in the field and present a diversity of views on the topic chosen.

Remember that panels can be fun and thought provoking, but too often are boring or degenerate into a non-reviewed paper session. We will pay close attention to panel proposals that seem likely to fall into the first category.

Submission Instructions

A panel proposal should include the following information:

  • The title of the panel.
  • Panel proposals are typically designed for a 1.5-hour session. Please indicate the proposed length of the panel and provide an outline of the organization of the panel and the topics to be discussed highlighting how the time will be used.
  • A brief explanation as to why the topic is important and controversial, thought-provoking or fun. Please pay particular attention to how you intend to engage and interact with the audience.
  • The name and a short Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the panel chair.
  • The names of the panelists, including a brief summary of the position each plans to take on the panel, and the URL of each panelist’s personal web page.
  • Note that prior to submitting a panel proposal, you must contact ALL the proposed panelists and receive their agreement for attending RE'14 and participating in your panel, if accepted.

Please send the panel proposal via e-mail as a PDF file to Robyn Lutz. The e-mail should have the subject "RE14-PANEL" and the last name of the chair or moderator. All received proposals will be acknowledged, so please follow-up if that is not the case. Successful proposals will be invited to provide a 2-page camera-ready description of the panel to be published in the main conference proceedings.

Key Dates

Proposal Submission Monday, April 14, 2014
Proposal Notification Monday, May 26, 2014
Camera Ready Due Friday, June 20, 2014

All deadlines are 23:59 Baker Island Time.


If you have any questions regarding potential panel or debate topics, please contact Robyn Lutz.